Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Westward Expansion Of The United States - 1477 Words

The United States began its life as a small nation consisting of only thirteen states. Over time the leaders of this county recognized that in order to prosper the nation would need to expand beyond the current set borders. Westward Expansion was the only solution, to adopt such a large endeavor meant that the population had to have a reason to migrate west. Expansion had appeal to the Southern land owners for the fact that the Missouri Compromise did not affect territories that were not part of the Louisiana Purchase, while those who did not have land moved west with the promises of land of their own to farm and own, yet congress continued to battle over â€Å"slave states† and â€Å"free states† to keep the balance. Westward expansion had many contributions to make to the Unites States. Westward Expansion started with President Thomas Jefferson made the Louisiana Purchase from the French for only fifteen million dollars. This allowed landless families to migrate from where they currently were to a new place with fresh lands to claim. This had a few effects such as increasing the size of the country, while providing land and means for income to families. During the course of westward expansion the size of the United States took a drastic population increase, with the overall population going from five million to seventy-six million. This set the U.S. on the fast track to expand out to the west coast. Abraham Lincoln signed in to law the Homestead Act, which gave people willing toShow MoreRelatedThe Westward Expansion Of The United States960 Words   |  4 PagesThe Westward expansion began for the United States with the Louisiana Purchase in 1803. For $15 million dollars, President Thomas Jefferson purchased from France 828,000 square miles, including most of 14 cur rent states, thus doubling the size of America. Jefferson now had the land, but how to populate it was another story. On a three year expedition, Lewis and Clark were sent by Jefferson to explore the lands to get a better understanding of the geography and resources of the West. During the 1830sRead MoreThe Westward Expansion Of The United States1144 Words   |  5 Pagesbranching and expansion.† That quote, once said by Stephen Jay Gould, can represent the Westward Expansion of the United States. In the early 1800s, the United States started trying to expand west. The U.S. acquired Florida, Texas, the Gadsden Territory, the Mexican Cession, the Oregon Territory, and the Louisiana Territory. All of those acquisitions helped evolve the United States into what it is today. Almost all of the land we own is from the Westward Expansion. Unfortunately, the United States were greedyRead MoreThe United States Westward Expansion919 Words   |  4 Pagesculture. The United States gre w drastically and new land became available over time. This surge in population created the Manifest Destiny, the belief of expansion from sea to sea. The United States’ westward expansion was a wicked, but vital component during the 1800s that allowed the nation to exercise its power and prosper economically at the price of unfair manipulation towards Native Americans as well as a cruel game of tug of war with the lives of slaves. In order to promote expansion, the federalRead MoreWestward Expansion Of The United States1017 Words   |  5 PagesWestward expansion seemed perfectly natural to Americans in the mid-nineteenth century. Many settlers even believed that America, as a nation, was destined−by God himself− to expand westward. This ideology became known as the Manifest Destiny. Although many Americans thought it to be a kindly movement driven by pride, it continuously proved to be aggressive, racist, and imperialistic. Enthusiasm over territorial expansion began in 1803 when Napoleon decided to offer the United States the entireRead MoreWestward Expansion Of The United States1054 Words   |  5 Pages Westward Expansion in the United States created controversy about the admission of new states into the union. The first provision of the Westward Expansion was the Compromise of 1850. This compromise was designed to settle disputes among the North and South states about slavery expansion. Senator Henry Clay proposed that California be admitted as a free slave in a trade-off for tougher fugitive slave laws for runaways. As a part of the compromise of 1950, Congress also passed the Fugitive LawRead MoreWestward Expansion Of The United States1060 Words   |  5 PagesWestward expansion changed into the preference of the US to govern the territories of western components of the United States that had been either unclaimed or occupied by using other international locations. It is pertinent to comprehend that the us history became inspired with the aid of England in diverse methods. Within the second 1/2 of 18th century, the railroad which that turned into invented in England introduced a main effect in the USA enlargement to the West. Railroads originated fromRead MoreThe Impact Of Westward Expansion On The United States1571 Words   |  7 Pagesopened the door to westward expansion. Thomas Jefferson purchased this extensive plot of land with the hopes of strengthening and expanding the Republic, unaware that it would have the opposite effect. Jefferson’s fateful decision to expand the United States nearly destroyed the Republic that Americans worked so hard to build. It triggered the rise of divisions amongst Americans. These small cracks continued to grow and tear at the seams of the nation. Although westward expansion between 1800 and 1848Read MoreWestward Expansion and the Effects on the United States Essay1050 Words   |  5 PagesRunning Head: WESTWARD EXPANSION Westward Expansion and the Effects On the United States October 3, 2007 Abstract The Louisiana Purchase was the largest land deal in our history. It doubled the size of the United States and gave us a strong face as an economic power. It brought immigrants from all over the world for the idea of owning land and making a living for themselves. We also had a second expansion with the Adams-Onis treaty in 1819 (Davidson, 2002, p.p. 246-247) where weRead MoreEssay On Manifest Destiny1551 Words   |  7 PagesManifest Destiny was a widely spread belief that settlers in the United States should expand across North America. It was the belief that fueled the westward expansion. The westward expansion led to many other events in and around the United States. Before Manifest Destiny and the westward expansion the French and Indian War and Revolutionary War took place which allowed America to declare independence. Manifest Destiny was a big influence on the evolution of transport and technology. Before weRead MoreManifest Destiny1555 Words   |  7 PagesThe Evolution Of Transportation Manifest Destiny was a widely spread belief that settlers in the United States should expand across North America. It was the belief that fueled the westward expansion. The westward expansion led to many other events in and around the United States. Before Manifest Destiny and the westward expansion the French and Indian War and Revolutionary War took place which allowed America to declare independence. Manifest Destiny was a big influence on the evolution of transport

Monday, December 23, 2019

The Kite Runner - Reading Logs - 7885 Words

The Kite Runner Reading logs NV1D Reading Log Task One, Part I. [13.01.12] The author of The Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseini, I think can be portrayed as the protagonist Amir for several reasons one of which is that he himself was born in Kabul, Afghanistan, in 1965. I think that, because of the fact that he was born in Afghanistan, it has contributed to the novel in the aspect of which that the place is not entirely random. Like, if I wrote a book I wouldnt write a story based in perhaps the United States as it is that I know nothing about the area. I think that, due to the fact that the place is based on the country he was born in it is much easier for him to describe the area and now just how things work around there which in turn helps†¦show more content†¦Because the past claws its way out. I have grown quite fond of Hassan as a character not because of how he can be portrayed as the weakling in the story, due to the social injustice of Pashtuns and Hazaras, but because of how has more character to him than Amir ever could. Amir in many ways remi nds me of the spoiled brats who never treat people well in third world countries. Myself I have a 14 year old-maid in Bangladesh and I absolutely adore her for she is not only kind but so sweet and someone whom I actually call my friend when I go there. I do not treat my maid like a servant because I think they shouldnt have to be treated that way. I am not saying that when I am there I do everything myself, but what I am saying is that unlike Amir I have acknowledged my friendship with my maid and I would stand up for her if anybody mistreated her. [...] there was a brotherhood between people who had fed from the same breasts, [...] Hassan and I had fed from the same breasts, I think this quote, this thought by Amir himself, would indicate that he saw Hassan as his brother. But he doesnt which is quite strange because youd think that youd at least acknowledge general facts like these. As well as the poor relationship between Amir and Hassan, mostly on Amirs side though, there is also a poor relationship between Amir and his father which makes me a little angry as I read the book. The father, Baba, treats Amir as if he werent hisShow MoreRelatedPersonal Project4460 Words   |  18 Pagesproject to their suiting, on whatever topic and create whatever they want. My goal of this project is to have created a blog about books, and have reviewed and given my thoughts to. My project is aimed at mostly teenagers in order to show them that reading is a good thing and to not always get caught up in the net. The area of interaction (AOI) that has best suited my personal project is Health and Social Education due to the fact that the internet and books are part of education and both have greatRead MoreBelonging Essay4112 Words   |  17 Pages and their relevant structural forms and language features engage personally with their texts and draw on their own experience make c onnections to their perceptions of the world and the worlds represented in the texts. Waverley Library database Log on to the database Literature Resource Centre - HSC English Syllabus via the Waverley library home page either though the internet in the library or at home using your library card. This database includes biographies, bibliographies and critical analysesRead MoreGp Essay Mainpoints24643 Words   |  99 Pagesof 2043 will be when the last newspapers land on front process all over America. This is the prediction the author of ‘The Vanishing Newspaper’ †¦ †¢ Advent of tech has brought a radical change in the media industry †¢ No longer confined to reading news, watching television †¢ Click of mouse, people can access instantaneous info and news online †¢ Proliferation of online blogs and social networking sites such as Twitter threaten to make mainstream media a thing of the past †¢ But mainstreamRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 Pagesthemselves.† (Chickering Gamson, 1987) In their classic book on active learning, Bonwell and Elson (1991) list seven defining characteristics. 1. Students are involved in more than passive listening. 2. Students are engaged in activities (e.g., reading, discussing, writing). 3. There is less emphasis placed on information transmission and greater emphasis placed on developing student skills. 4. There is greater emphasis placed on the exploration of attitudes and values. 5. Student motivation is

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Executives dominate the legislatures across Europe Free Essays

Introduction The legislatures is the Law making body of governance, the executive comprises of the constitutional ruling powers, examples, the President, the Prime Minister, Members of Cabinet and the Speaker of Parliament. The Legislatures, the Executives and the Judiciary. These are all arms of the government and there all work hand in hand to form constitutional elected government. We will write a custom essay sample on Executives dominate the legislatures across Europe or any similar topic only for you Order Now However, there are various systems of governance but the principles are the same. Each country has its own systems of rule, base on the type of government it practices, i.e. the President or the Prime Minister. The Legislature: It is the department with the responsibility for the executing Legislation within parliament, which is made up of the three elements, the Queen, the House of Lords and the House of Commons, in the case of the UK. The Executive; The mechanism for the state that implements and formulates the policy that runs the country. This becomes part of the separation of powers. Its uniqueness in dealing with the distraction, plans, and rules, also focus on plans relevant to the affairs of parliament. The Judiciary; it has the responsible of adjudication of deputies in the common law. As well as relating to the Legislative, it is to set up a smoother administration (Crouch, 2000). In this essay, we are looking at the branch of two institutions of the Executive and the Legislature based on two countries within the European Union Thus, by trying to find out which one dominates across. In contest, of some countries on which this work will comprise of France, and the United Kingdom. In across European states, with the exception of Cyprus and France, the running of lies on the Prime Minister and full presidency in the status in the case of Cyprus. Being the leader of the political party that won the numerical strength in parliament is to form a government. This could in a coalition with other parties; however, the government need to have the confidence of parliament (BALE, 2008). There are constitutional accepted norms and cultures within the parliament and usually the Legislatures have been approved by the Executive. In essences parliamentary constitutions rules permit that the Executive to veto Laws and Legislation before it can be pass into formal rules within the UK or in Europe. In the presidential system of government, the powerful elected president by the people directly by the people becomes both the chief executive and the head of state. While in the parliamentary system of government, the executive in general are not elected but there are chosen â€Å"indirectly† by the elected parliament (legislature). Parliamentary government are common norms in modern Europe, but when the democratisation of the eastern state of Europe, had the chance for change there did choose a new system of government for the move from an old constitution to a new parliamentary system of government (Gallagher, 2006). The constitution of France is currently based on the one adopted in 1958 after the referendum and it is known as the fifth Republic. This constitution allows the President to have all the powers available. He appoints the Prime Minister, who becomes the Head of Government. There are two chambers; made up of the National Assembly and the Senate. However, the National Assembly is the power based, but both houses share the same Legislative authority (Kesseleman, 2010). . The Legislature or the Parliament, wherever enjoy more powers than the Executive did during the Third and Fourth republic, but in the Firth Republic this powers were substantially reduce. The political system faces a lot of criticism for years, thus, because of the imbalance of between the Executive and the Legislature. The 2008 reforms of the constitution were made to address the issues. Nevertheless, since France operates on a semi presidential system of government, in essences parliament lack of independence the legislature is to be enjoying in the full presidential system. As such, the president will not be responsible for parliament, and therefore cannot hold the executive in to account (Kesseleman, 2010). Notwithstanding, the French president still exercise some executive powers (especially emergency) once that goes beyond other Europeans heads of states. One executive power of the president, he appoint the Prime Minister, the Prime Minister and the Cabinet ministers, individually or collectively become responsible to parliament, thus the different between the semi presidential and a full blown president system. In the contraire, it means that the French president can use all the full powers of executive at his disposal, but only if both the prime minister and the cabinet are all from the same party or are in alliance, which is more often the case in France (BALE, 2008). This has been referred to as obliging the president to ‘cohabit’ with the prime minister and cabinet made up from political parties of the other side (BALE, 2008). However, the change in presidential elections times in French before the parliamentary the issues of cohabitation may be rarer to be the case. In Western executive during the fifth republic, the president becomes the most powerful, so as much as the president of the United States with the full presidential systems. However, in the case of French the president has limited powers as compare to the United State. In summary the fifth republic presidency is just a near to purely political institution in Western society today (BELL, 2000). â€Å"Executive power in Europe is wielded by the government which are accountable to and rely on the support of parliament. They are led by cabinets comprised of ministers from one or more parties, many of whom retain their parliamentary seats. In theory, they are co-ordinated, if not controlled, by a prime minister whose power- which some argue is on the rise – varies between countries but also according to circumstance† (BALE, 2008). In as much Bale try to make his argument about the balance of power of the prime minister will depend on two concept ‘ the executive in general will need to be facilitated, for example by a strong central state and limited judicial oversight of government actions as well a weak parliament. In addition, the power with the executive itself provides a helpful checklist of factors that will contribute to this’ (BALE, 2008). Whereas the second house of the parliament (the House of Lords) had part of its powers taken, for the crea tion of a high court. There are observation across Europe about the weakness in some parliament (legislature), the list of stronger parliament include Germany, Sweden, Italy, Poland, and the Netherland. While as the weaker once are the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom, Spain, and France. The weakness of the French parliament is most refer to Europe’s weakest legislatures. The unusual executive structure of the France system of government in European context, gives the directly elected president too much to power, meanwhile the executive power is jointly shared by the president and the cabinet (council of ministers), (Gallagher, 2006). Most of the European with the monarchies system likes Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Spain and the UK, the head of state will be the king or Queen. In case of republics it will then be called the president, who would have be elected by the people directly, as it has been seen in Austria, Bulgaria,†¦..Slovenia. Nonetheless, the UK prime minister remains the stronger executive, which has plenty of power inside parliament as the leader of the single majority government that is regarded as the most powerful in Europe. (BALE, 2008). Meanwhile his counterpart in Italy does not have such powers, but it has weak executive, little advantage in the executive and lead a large coalition, most of the time with insecure majority, hence the weakest on the continent. Countries like the Netherlands and Germany thus, would combine stronger executive powers to limited prime ministerial powers with executive. One may see at a glance that European prime minister have less autonomy as compare to that of the US with the full Presidential system. However, that is not case because the President can normally court on winning or not losing votes within the legislature. In the domestic front, the Prime Minister (Executive) has the power to hire and fire a colleague of the cabinet, one power less power for the Dutch and the French Prime ministers. (WARD, 2009). â€Å"The fact that a government defeat on a motion of confidence can lead to fresh election in other countries points to the fact that parliament’s right to defeat the executive is, in any case, normally balanced by the executive’s right to dissolve (or request the head of state to dissolve) parliament – a right that exits in all European democracies outside Norway, Switzerland and Finland† (BALE, 2008). Also in contest, the Legislature across Western Europe is made up of two groups, the ‘Majoritarian’ and the ‘consensus’. A political scientist has been with motion of these groups and has made some good comet about them, like as in the majoritarian where we have the UK, Spain, Ireland, Greece and France. Within these countries, the government will set its programs and pursues them with little or no regard to the opposition. As wherein the other groups of parliament in consensus democracies like Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden and other Scandinavian countries. Parliaments here feature criticism that is more constructive and operate sometime in cross party and not inter-party. (Lijphart, 1975). European country with the exception of Switzerland, where parliament elect the government, can be ousted from office by the same parliament, it make it very complicated as to where the power is. However, as in the full presidential system both are elected independently of one another these powers will be balance. We can draw to the discussing on Arend Lijphart, about the distinction made between the two categories of the democratic regime. The Westminster type (Majoritarian) which the United kingdom provide a clear example of Europe, however, countries Greece, Franc, and Malta shows some characteristic of the political system of this category. Within this system, the government need to make such that he has the majority of members of parliament (MPs) to get on with the entire legislature. The opposition see this role to be criticizing the government rather than influence it. One other hand is the second group is the consensus model of Arend Lijphart’s category, which can be clearly noted within Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Austria. As the name suggests it has a broad consensus in parliament. Moreover, the Belgium cabinets tend to have a good relationship with parliament (Gallagher, 2006). â€Å"Our expectation, then, would be to find that in Lijphart’s majoritatrian-model countries, virtually all relationships between governments and parliaments take place in the interparty mode, with MPs and minsters having a strong party orientation that transcends any sense of â€Å"parliament† or â€Å"government† as institutions. In contrast, in consensus-model countries we would expect to encounter somewhat greater recourse to the cross-party or non-party mode. With this in mind, we examine the record of European parliament with respect to a number of roles in which they interact with governments†. Nevertheless, since parliament in Europe is parliamentary and party government have no clear, style to the US system between the executive and the legislature, based on that the conflict between the two branches will be in a lasting conflict between the governments majority and the opposition. Moreover, the powers within parliament across Europe are in con tingent on parliamentary arithmetic. (Gallagher, 2006). Based on all these observation it be said that both the Executive and the Legislature due shared some balance of powers across Europe where possible. Nonetheless, there can be no justifications as to say name a country or countries in Europe where one of the two elements dominated by that other. The powers of one parliament at any given time will always depend greatly on the extent on balance of power between parties and the distribution of powers within the government parties. Europeans parliament across Europe have increase over years and all this means that key to the executive dominance can be demonstrated in both the majoritarian and the consensual democracies in Europe. Reference List BALE, T. (2008). European Politics A Comparative lntroduction 2nd Edtion revised and upadted. London: Palgrave Mcmillan . BELL, D. S. (2000). PRESIDENTIAL POWER IN FIFTH REPUBLIC FRANCH. New York: Oxford International . Crouch, C. (2000). After the Euro : shaping institutions for governance in the wake of European monetary union. Oxford : Oxford University Press. Gallagher, M. L. (2006). REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT IN Modern Europe Institutions, Parties, and Governments 4th Edition. New York : McGraw – Hill . Kesseleman, M. J. (2010). Introduction to Camparative Politics: Political Challanges and Changing Agendas 5th Edition. Boston: Wadsworth Cengage . Lijphart, A. (1975). The Politics of Accommodation 2nd Edition. New Haven: University of California Press. WARD, I. (2009). A Critical Introduction to European Law 3rd Edition . New York : Cambridge University Press. How to cite Executives dominate the legislatures across Europe, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Media Violence and School Shootings Essay Example For Students

Media Violence and School Shootings Essay Another school shooting goes down and is preyed upon by the media for a gripping new story. Jonesboro, Arkansas, West Paducah, Kentucky, and Littleton, Colorado all have one thing in common. All these places are sites where school shootings have occurred. Why do school shootings happen and who is to blame when they do happen?. These are two questions that are still trying to be answered. Some people say that school shootings are due to the excess marketing of violence in movies, television, video games, and music. There is a difference between what one has the right to do and what is socially responsible, he says. It appears that they have targeted a mass audience for this material, and then theyre horrified when its discovered what theyve done. Theyre being duplictous-in the end, theyre lying says Andrew Schwartzman, president of public interest law firm the Media Access Group(Holland). I tend to agree with this point but I believe that there is a bigger and more substantial factor when looking at school shootings. I believe that parents have to take most of the blame for school shootings. Why should parents have to take blame for something that their child has done wrong. Well, it is pretty simple. Parents are the only people who can control what kind of music their kid or kids listen to, what movies they see, what video games they play, and what kind of programs they watch on TV. The parents should be held accountable because it is not possible for the school to control what the kids do out of the classroom. Since the Littleton, Colorado shooting, school shootings have attracted attention to laws that make parents criminally liable for their childrens actions. Since then, twelve states including, Alabama, Arkansas, California and Ohio, have come up with parental responsibility statues. Under these laws, parents can be prosecuted based on the failure to supervise their children(Parents). Tom Lynch also believes that he is responsible for the violence that his kids are exposed to saying, because as a parent, I can do something about the entertainment viewing habits of my children. As far as I know, my wife and I are still in charge on the home front, and we plan to keep it that way as long as were still paying for the Nikes;(Lynch). Even with some new laws and regulations many music businesses are still marketing to kids. The RIAA announced new guidelines on September, 1, shortly before the original Senate hearing (Holland). They included three major updates: that advertising for labeled records should not appear in publications or Internet sites where fifty percent of the audience is under seventeen, that all consumer print ads of explicit-content albums display the advisory sticker , and that all E-tailors clearly display notice of stickered material through all phases of the transaction (Holland). These regulations may help when trying to get CDs with explicit lyrics over the Internet or in stores but the advertising towards kids still continues. The federal trade commission shows that US Record companies continue to advertise violent songs on TV through such outlets as BET, MTV, and the WWF Smackdown wrestling show. The ads appeared during the after school and early-evening hours when children were most likely to be watching. The FTC also found that the five major labels placed ads for albums with explicit content in such teen oriented magazines as Vine and Right On, which focus on rap and RB, and Thrashers and Metal Edge, which celebrate metal rock music. Only 45 off 147 (31%) print ads reviewed for labeled recordings displayed any parental advisory label, the FTC noted, and those were frequently a black-and-white blur, often too small or inconspicuously placed to be noticed or seen(Holland). So why cant parents just go out and fight these advertisement companies that are m arketing violence to their young kids? It would just be simple to go and sue the companies and make them pay for the destruction that they are causing in schools. DAWN Social Justice Group Essay But that is to hard considering all the money and power that these companies have. So if parents cant fight these companies then who can? The only other solution to .

Friday, November 29, 2019

Basics of the Central Business District

Basics of the Central Business District The CBD or Central Business District is the  focal point of a city. It is the commercial, office, retail, and cultural center of the city and usually is the center point for transportation networks. The History of the CBD The CBD developed as the market square in ancient cities. On market days, farmers, merchants, and consumers would gather in the center of the city to exchange, buy, and sell goods. This ancient market is the forerunner to the CBD. As cities grew and developed, CBDs became a fixed location where retail and commerce took place. The CBD is typically at or near the oldest part of the city and is often near a major transportation route that provided the site for the citys location, such as a river, railroad, or highway. Over time, the CBD developed into a center of finance and control or government as well as office space. In the early 1900s, European and American cities had CBDs that featured primarily retail and commercial cores. In the mid-20th century, the CBD expanded to include office space and commercial businesses while retail took a back seat. The growth of the skyscraper occurred in CBDs, making them more and more dense. The Modern CBD By the beginning of the 21st century, the CBD had become a diverse region of the metropolitan area and included residential, retail, commercial, universities, entertainment, government, financial institutions, medical centers, and culture. The experts of the city are often located at workplaces or institutions in the CBD- lawyers, doctors, academics, government officials and bureaucrats, entertainers, directors, and financiers. In recent decades, the combination of gentrification (residential expansion) and development of shopping malls as entertainment centers have given the CBD new life. One can now find, in addition to housing, mega-malls, theaters, museums, and stadiums. San Diegos Horton Plaza is an example of redeveloping the downtown as an entertainment and shopping district. Pedestrian malls are also common today in CBDs in an effort to make the CBD a 24 hour a day destination for not only those who work in the CBD but also to bring in people to live and to play in the CBD. Without entertainment and cultural opportunities, the CBD is often far more populated during the day than at night, as relatively few workers live in the CBD and most commute. The Peak Land Value Intersection The CBD is home to the Peak Land Value Intersection in the city. The Peak Land Value Intersection is the intersection with the most valuable real estate in the city. This intersection is the core of the CBD and thus the core of the metropolitan area. One would not typically find a vacant lot at the Peak Land Value Intersection but instead one would typically find one of the citys tallest and most valuable skyscrapers. The CBD is often the center of a metropolitan areas transportation system. Public transit, as well as highways, converge on the CBD, making it very accessible to those who live throughout the metropolitan area. On the other hand, the convergence of road networks in the CBD often creates overwhelming traffic jams as commuters from the suburbs attempt to converge on the CBD in the morning and return home at the end of the workday. Edge Cities In recent decades, edge cities have begun to develop as suburban CBDs in major metropolitan areas. In some instances, these edge cities have become a larger magnet to the metropolitan area than the original CBD. Defining the CBD There are no boundaries to the CBD. The CBD is essentially about perception. It is usually the postcard image one has of a particular city. There have been various attempts at delineating the boundaries of the CBD but, for the most part, one can visually or instinctively know when the CBD starts and ends as it is the core and contains a plethora of tall buildings, high density, a lack of parking, transportation nodes, a large number of pedestrians on the street and generally just a lot of activity during the daytime. The bottom line is that the CBD is what people think of when they think of a citys downtown area.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on IBM As A Successfull Business

IBM is a successful business. IBM’s has a vision and a mission, â€Å"At IBM, we strive to lead in the creation, development and manufacture of the industry’s most advanced information technologies, including computer systems, software, networking systems, storage devices and microelectronics. We translate these advanced technologies into value for our customers through our professional solutions and services businesses worldwide.† As discussed in our business book, a path towards success in a business can be broken down in to a continues four step cycle. The first step is realizing the indicators of success. IBM is concerned with financial performance. IBM has a fancy web site dedicated to its financial reports, ibm.com/annualreport/, it’s updated every year. The diagram to the left shows IBM’s revenue over the past ten years. Meeting customer needs is critical for IBM. But who are IBM’s customers? From students attending PartnerWorld (IBM’s new university), to companies buying new technologies to produce high tech devices, IBM sells to the world. The United States, Russia, and China all have strong bonds with IBM and it’s technology. IBM understands whom its customers are and deliver quality in their products and services. Take IBM’s latest notebook series the â€Å"T-Series†. The standard model comes with a 800mhz Intel CPU, a 32 gigabyte hard drive, and 13.3" 1024x768 - TFT - active matrix screen. What does this translate to? IBM decided not to use the fastest processor or the biggest screen (my Toshiba boasts a 15.1 1600x1200 UTFT). This is due to a bottle neck in battery life. The battery life on IBM’s latest notebook is eight hours. My Toshiba notebook had the greatest hardware available with a graphics card that will make your head spin, but the battery life is two hours. IBM realizes that its customers are more likely to use MSWord or browse the web with their notebooks than... Free Essays on IBM As A Successfull Business Free Essays on IBM As A Successfull Business IBM is a successful business. IBM’s has a vision and a mission, â€Å"At IBM, we strive to lead in the creation, development and manufacture of the industry’s most advanced information technologies, including computer systems, software, networking systems, storage devices and microelectronics. We translate these advanced technologies into value for our customers through our professional solutions and services businesses worldwide.† As discussed in our business book, a path towards success in a business can be broken down in to a continues four step cycle. The first step is realizing the indicators of success. IBM is concerned with financial performance. IBM has a fancy web site dedicated to its financial reports, ibm.com/annualreport/, it’s updated every year. The diagram to the left shows IBM’s revenue over the past ten years. Meeting customer needs is critical for IBM. But who are IBM’s customers? From students attending PartnerWorld (IBM’s new university), to companies buying new technologies to produce high tech devices, IBM sells to the world. The United States, Russia, and China all have strong bonds with IBM and it’s technology. IBM understands whom its customers are and deliver quality in their products and services. Take IBM’s latest notebook series the â€Å"T-Series†. The standard model comes with a 800mhz Intel CPU, a 32 gigabyte hard drive, and 13.3" 1024x768 - TFT - active matrix screen. What does this translate to? IBM decided not to use the fastest processor or the biggest screen (my Toshiba boasts a 15.1 1600x1200 UTFT). This is due to a bottle neck in battery life. The battery life on IBM’s latest notebook is eight hours. My Toshiba notebook had the greatest hardware available with a graphics card that will make your head spin, but the battery life is two hours. IBM realizes that its customers are more likely to use MSWord or browse the web with their notebooks than...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Company Profile Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Company Profile - Essay Example Business Interaction / Communication in more than 100 different languages. 49,000+ individuals are employed worldwide by the Coca-Cola Company and its subsidiaries. In Britain the brand arrived in the year 1990 when the son of the founder, Charles Chandler brought the brand to England. The company today is extremely popular and surprisingly, "the word 'Coca-Cola' itself is even thought to be the second most widely understood word in the world after 'OK'!" (Coca Cola). The company is facing fierce competition with Pepsi Co. that is the other giant in the industry. Coca Cola is having a share of merely 50% in the Europe, the company is a market leader in Europe, however the company is rated 2nd in many parts of the world such as India. The company is having a wider product line and length that forced me to prepare the profile. The product line includes Coca Cola, Coca Cola Zero, Diet Coke, Sprite, Fanta, Lilt, Dr. Pepper, Oasis, Kia-Ora, Schweppes, Five Alive, Minute Maid, Rose's, Spri t 3G, and Powerade. The company is having a concern about the health too, it is unusual to think about since the company is manufacturing a drink that many people view as unhealthy, nevertheless the company cares about people when it says, "You can enjoy 'Coca-Cola' and all of our other products as part of a healthy balanced diet and active lifestyle" (Your Health). It is also a healthy sign that Coca Cola has associated it self with various healthy activities such as Football. SWOT There are number of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats regarding Coca Cola. In UK, the strengths include, highest market share possessed by any soft drink company, the biggest product line and length, a strong focus on society's health as the company mentions clearly on their products, "'Big 8: energy, protein, carbohydrate, carbohydrate of which sugars, fat, saturated fat, fibre and sodium" (What our labels tell you). The customers are welcomed at anytime to inspect the company's internal environment, the company has mentioned the free number '0800 227711'. A strong focus on fulfilling social responsibility as the company has associated itself with many important events such as sports etc. The weaknesses are limited for Coca Cola, The company has not got the full penetration in the market, there are many gaps in the society. The company is focusing on brand extension rather than the penetration of current brands. Obesity is getting common is Britain and company is not taking the issue in account. The different sales headquarters are not interlinked directly and they are having problems in internal communications, "We are currently developing new communications programmes to improve employee engagement and to ensure that they all understand our business priorities" (Key challenges in Britain). The opportunities for Coca Cola are, the obesity is getting common in Britain, Coca Cola can target that segment specifically and make it aware of the may Diet Coke that can help people understand the benefits of such drinks. The company can then cater each segment individually, such as kids who prefer sports should be targeted through advertisements using powerade, when every segment would be targeted, the outcome could be very profitable, "developing new, and hopefully successful, products is vital and, as Band says: Coca-Cola also needs to get the mix of products correct; that is the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Speech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Speech - Essay Example In this country, there is discrimination against foreigners. There is discrimination against Indians. There is discrimination against Europeans. There is discrimination against the Americans. There is discrimination against fellow Arabs particularly the Palestinians. The founders of the nation planted the seeds of discrimination among us, and now we are feeling its effects. Many foreigners have been suffering in silence since independence due to discrimination. They do not get equal opportunities like the indigenous people. When we gained independence, our government pursued policies that ensured Palestinians permanently remained refugees. We treated them in a manner that always made them feel that their presence in this country would remain temporary. The government deliberately denied many of them entry visas. As a result, some families were split, and some of them decided to leave the country. We did not give them permanent residence or citizenship, including those who were born here. Our country practices institutionalized discrimination against the Bedoons. The authorities have denied them citizenship despite living in the country for many generations. They are citizens without citizenship. They are barred from government employment, and their children have difficulties in accessing education. They do not move freely because they lack identification and travel documents. They also fear arrests and deportation from the country. Kuwait is the only country that the Bedoon community has ever known. They do not belong to Saudi Arabia. They do not belong to Iraq. They only failed to register themselves as citizens in 1950s because they had not foreseen the benefits of Kuwaiti citizenship. Their failure should not be used as a basis of denying them equal rights like other indigenous populations. Our government has always played tricks on the community by amending the laws so that none of them gets Kuwaiti citizenship. Our country needs broad

Monday, November 18, 2019

Coastal and Marine Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Coastal and Marine Management - Assignment Example From this paper it is clear that  individuals mostly from the coastal communities have a platform to undertake diverse economic activities. They essentially stand to benefit from the large number of people visiting the waterfront at any given time. Some of the economic activities that have been inspired by the presence of the waterfront include marine construction, collection of offshore minerals and precious stones for sale, ship and boat building and repair, marine transportation, selling ornaments and corals to visiting groups. These economic activities have made many youths who were idling in the streets find something of economic significance to do. Consequently, the economic activities have led to the growth of market centers and towns in regions with actively working waterfronts. Furthermore, such activities have promoted the long-term prosperity of coastal communities and their working waterfronts.This essay stresses that in light of strengths, the working waterfront has a steady flow of visitors throughout the year. This makes it a viable economic ground for any business venture. Furthermore, it provides a platform that attracts investors from both the local and foreign market hence is self-sustaining. Its future prospects are high given those visitors at the site keep on growing exponentially.  Given the large numbers of visitors coming in at any given time, there is need for regular maintenance to keep the waterfront working in season and out of season.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

History of Tariffs in the U.S.

History of Tariffs in the U.S. Free Trade, No Tariffs! The controversies regarding â€Å"protective† tariff rates date way back, long preceding the debate over globalization. Even in these early days of American history, tariffs brought about some of the most cutthroat debates within the United States political system. Following the war of 1812, the early United States government enacted a tariff to help protect domestic industries, which were primarily located in the New England states. The following are the arguments made on behalf of the tariffs: As a result of the British embargo during the war, domestic industrial production grew  tremendously. Tariffs were deemed necessary for these â€Å"infant industries† to survive. The nation’s founders believed tariffs were necessary to the nation’s defense by  helping to keep factories which could produce war materials. In its early days, the United States federal government relied on tariffs as the primary  source of revenue. Over the course of the next several years, tariffs emerged as the hottest political controversy within the U.S., right next to slavery. Northern states, which were immensely industrial, wanted to preserve the protective tariffs, which shut out cheaper goods from Europe. Southern states, in contrast, complained about them. They realized that these â€Å"protective† tariffs made them pay way higher prices for manufactured goods. As a result of the decreased imports from Europe, European markets had fewer dollars to buy raw materials (such as cotton and tobacco) produced in the American south. As a result, leaders of the south argued that tariffs caused a remarkable transfer of wealth to the North. This 19th century debate is very similar to some of the debates about tariffs that take place today. Although tariffs have significantly decreased overall, the U.S. still maintains high tariffs on goods such as steel, agricultural products, textiles and apparel. The ultimate question is the same: do the benefits to workers and producers in these industries outweigh the costs for the consumers? Say NO to Tariffs! It is quite easy to see why a foreign tariff would hurt the economy of a country. A foreign tariff raises the costs of domestic producers which causes them to sell less in those foreign markets. Because of this reduction in demand, many jobs are lost. These job losses then impact other industries due to the demand for consumer products decreasing because of the reduced employment level. Foreign tariffs, along with other forms of market restrictions, cause a dramatic decline in the economic health of a nation. It is a vicious cycle! Tariffs hurt the country that imposes them in all but the rarest of instances, as their costs almost always outweigh their benefits. Sure, some people who are for tariffs will argue that they are a blessing for domestic producers who now face reduced competition in their home market. However, this reduced competition causes prices to rise – great for the producer, awful for the consumer. Proponents of tariffs also argue that it increases the sales of domestic producers, which is great and all, but it still comes at too great of a cost for the consumer. Between increased production and price, domestic producers are in theory able to hire more workers which causes consumer spending to rise. Finally, tariffs also increase government revenues which can be used to benefit the economy. All of this is what proponents argue should happen, in theory, as a result of tariffs. Later on, though, I will discuss empirical evidence of how tariffs actually impact the economy negatively. Referring back to some of the â€Å"positives† of tariffs explained above, I would like to discuss the impact on the consumer in more depth. If a tariff is enacted on a product, then the price of the good increases. Now, the consumer is forced to buy less of this good. From a consumer view, this increase in price can also be seen as a reduction in consumer income. Because consumers are now purchasing less, domestic producers in other industries are selling less also, hurting them in the process. This view shows that tariffs cause a steep decline in the economy. Now lets discuss a couple examples of empirical evidence on the effect of tariffs: 1. In 2000, President Bush increased tariffs on imported steel goods anywhere from 8 and 30 percent depending on the product. A study is cited by the Mackinac Center for Public Policy which states that the tariff will reduce the national income by 0.5 to 1.4 billion dollars. This same study also estimates that fewer than 10,000 jobs will be saved by the tariff, resulting in a cost of over $400,000 per job saved. Worst of all, the study states that each job saved will result in 8 being lost. 2. The cost of protecting jobs is in no way unique to the steel industry or to the U.S. for that matter. It is estimated by the National Center For Policy that in 1994 alone, tariffs cost the U.S. economy $32.3 billion or $170,000 for each job saved. To compare this to the rest of the world, tariffs in Europe cost consumers $70,000 for every job saved while Japanese consumers spent a whopping $600,000 for every job saved through Japanese tariffs. To sum this up, the benefits caused by increased domestic production in tariff protected industries and an increase in government revenues does not offset the negative impact that increased prices cause consumers combined with the costs of levying and collecting the tariff. This is not even taking into consideration that other countries might possibly put tariffs on our goods in retaliation, which would undoubtedly be costly to us. But, even if they do not, enough proof is given that tariffs are still costly to the economy. It is also important to note that international trade significantly increase the wealth of an economy. Anything designed to slow this trade will negatively impact economic growth. For these reasons, basic economic theory would indicate that tariffs are harmful to the country which imposes them. The Future of Tariffs- Going Away, But Never Completely In recent years it would appear that the United States has made a significant push toward getting rid of tariffs. On March 26th, U.S. President Barack Obama and European Union leaders promised to remove all tariffs on bilateral trade. This was a very ambitious step towards what will be the world’s largest free-trade deal. This Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership is expected to bring $100 billion a year for both sides. Along with this agreement, the United States is currently seeking a similar trade pact with 11 other nations around Southeast Asia and the Pacific. In addition to trade pacts that are in the works, tariffs are also being reduced by current trade agreements that are scheduled to include future tariff reductions. These agreements include the countries of Australia, Bahrain, Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Korea, Morocco, Oman, Panama, Peru, and Singapore. As you can see, the United States has made a effortful stride to reduce tariffs and promote free trade, and continues to do so. At the same time, however, some tariffs will always exist simply to play the politics and please those who support tariffs under the false notion that they are good for America and save American jobs. In conclusion, tariffs are going away but never completely.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Chapter 4 of Mary Shelleys Frankenstein Essay -- Mary Shelley Franken

Chapter 4 of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein In 1816 the famous gothic novel ‘Frankenstein’ was begun, Frankenstein was largely successful because it was the first sci-fi novel that anyone had ever seen. The Gothicism that this genre is meant to expose is very good because it really is written to evoke terror in readers and show the dark side of human nature, and of course another reason the novel was a success, was because the author Mary Shelley had a first hand experience of the death that this book precedes. Mary began the novel in Italy after staying with Lord Byron and after a discussion about science they challenged each other to a ghost writing competition, Mary’s mother died soon after Mary was born. Mary had two children that died and one was called William, these experiences of death were mirrored in Mary’s novel. Also reading journals from her husbands early life, he wanted to be a surgeon, and after talking with him and the family doctor where she thought up the idea of using electricity to bring corpses to life. In this essay I will be writing the about atmosphere of the chapter, the facial contrasts of the creature, Frankenstein’s dream, the creatures intentions, the creatures special request, the prejudice against the creature and the destruction of Frankenstein. Frankenstein hysterical reaction towards his creation, I will show you is prejudice and unjust. At the beginning of the chapter 4 Mary Shelley starts off by setting the scene of Frankenstein’s workshop, the aura created around the scene was shown as sinister and dreary, I comprehend from the text that it was a rainy night by the following quotes, â€Å"It was on a dreary night of November.† â€Å"The rain pattered dismally against the... ...re children how they should be looked after or else the child will grow up the same way he was brought up in a non-caring way, and also that everyone in society has responsibility to the helpless and needy, because they too want to be helped and accepted by others or they too will feel unable to manage with the life that was brought on to them. It also shows that no matter what, there will be prejudice found in your lifetime and they will be prejudice towards you, but in this novel Frankenstein’s creation was called The Monster, but he is only misunderstood the real monster in this novel is Victor Frankenstein himself, and all the torture he went through he brought upon himself. In conclusion, you have a responsibility towards everyone else, and your actions you hold may be brought against you if you cannot bring yourself to show the correct moral ethics.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Job Descriptions Essay

1. How important is job analysis to the development of job descriptions and job specifications? Discuss. Job analysis is important to the development of job descriptions and specifications because it needs to be formed before the job description and specifications. 2. What recommendations are given for improving committee effectiveness? They are having competent members, having committee properly charged, selecting or electing a competent chairperson, and recognizing/rewarding committee accomplishments. 3. Name the steps in the personnel management process. How does each step relate to the other steps? They are staffing, human resource planning, and auditing human resources. Each step is responsible for the success or failure of the next step. 4. Distinguish between job description and job specification. Job description is a written statement of all the duties and responsibilities to be performed on a particular job and job specification is a written statement of the personal qualities an individual should possess to perform a particular job. 5. List the steps in human resource planning (HRP). They are determine strategic operations, establish the time standard for reaching objectives, review internal and external environmental factors that affect staffing needs, project human talents/skills needed for achieving strategic objectives, audit human resources in the organization, determine human resource needs in the short-run and long-run to meet projected needs, and plan a program of recruitment and selection to fulfill human resource needs. 6. Discuss the meaning of motivation and the 3 conditions which must exist for employees to become highly motivated. Motivation is the psychological process that gives behavior purposes and directions. The conditions are the employee must have the ability to do the work and the work environment must be satisfactory. 7. Define morale and discuss the relationship to employee performance and motivation. Morale is the state of mind of an individual or group in regard to confidence, cheerfulness, and discipline. It is believed that high productivity results from high morale and motivation. 8. Distinguish between morale and job satisfaction. What are some of the methods used to increase employee job satisfaction in the workplace? Job satisfaction refers to the state of mind an individual has about his or her work environment but morale is in regards to the confidence and discipline. 9. Motivation theories tend to be classified as either content theories, process theories, or reinforcement theories. Distinguish between the three classifications. Content theories are motivational theories that focus on the needs within individuals that cause them to act in a certain way. Process theories are motivational theories that concentrate on rewards that individuals will possibly receive if they behave or perform in a certain way and reinforcement theories are those that base motivation on consequences of past actions to influence future actions. 10. Define leadership. Leadership is the activity of influencing people to strive willingly for group objectives. 11. Distinguish between leaders and managers. Leaders are a part of management. They have followers whereas managers are effective leaders because they get things done through others. 12. Describe the following leadership styles: (a) autocratic; (b) democratic; (c) Laissez-Faire. An autocratic leader makes all the decisions for the group. A democratic leader encourages and allows the group members to participate in the decision-making process. A laissez-Faire leader allows followers in the group to make the decisions themselves. 13. What is the importance of communication to the management function of planning? To organizing? To implementing? To controlling? All managers plan for the purpose of attaining the objectives in the proper time period and in the most efficient and effective way. Sound organization requires placing qualified employees in the right jobs and balancing the output of work between human resources and physical ones. Control programs are essential if employees and departments affected understand the importance of control. 14. Name the steps in the communication process. Where do most of the communication problems occur in the process. Why? The communication process consists of idea origination, the message, channel selecting and encoding, transmission, receiving, decoding, and feedback. Most of the communication problems occur during transmission because it is very possible for messages to get lost. 15. Of the communication principles that are mentioned in this chapter, which do you think is of the greatest importance to a practicing manager? Justify why. 16. What are the 3 types of organizational change and when does change need to occur? They are technological, environmental, and internal. Change needs to occur when problems arise. 17. Name the most common reasons employees resist change. The most common reasons employees resist change are job security and income, uncertainty, personal inconvenience, loss of status and power, and change in personal relationships. 18. Define conflict and name 4 major types of conflict. Â  Conflict is a clash of opposing ideas and interests which lead to disagreement. The four types of conflict are interpersonal, intergroup, interdepartmental, and organizational. 19. What are the essential steps in the control process? Explain each. The steps in the control process include setting standards, appraising conformance to the standards, and taking appropriate corrective or remedial action if the standards are not met or are exceeded. Standards are based on the goals and objectives of the organization. Appraising conformance happens in two steps which are measuring performance and comparing performance to the standards. 20. List and briefly discuss the characteristics of effective control. The details of each control program should be tailored to fit the needs of individual organizations because every organization’s products and services are different from each other’s. The establishment of controls must have the complete support of top management because without it, it would be difficult to convince either managers or employees that controls are essential. Control programs must be cost-effective. Control activities should possess enough flexibility to adapt to change because when new standards are needed, it is better to modify the existing control program than to create an entirely new system. Control programs should provide information in a timely way. Objective information is the essence of sound control. 21. Define performance appraisal. Performance appraisal is a process that involves determining and communicating to employees how they are performing their jobs and establishing a plan for improvement. 22. List and clarify the traditional steps in the appraisal process. They are determine objectives of performance appraisal, establish job expectations, select appraisal method, decide who will rate the employee, appraise performance, discuss results with employee, and review appraisal with superior manager. 23. Identify 4 common rating errors which can occur in appraising employee performance. They are halo effect which is rating an employee excellent in one quality which influences the rater to give higher than deserved scores on other qualities, horn effect which is rating an employee unsatisfactory in one quality and lowering the rating on other qualities as a result, central tendency which is tending to grade employees average on all qualities, and strict rating which is rating lower than the normal or average. 24. Distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic rewards. Intrinsic rewards are internal to the individual and stem from the work itself and extrinsic rewards are distributed by higher management and are not under the control of the employee. 25. Discuss the meaning of information overload. Information overload suggests that a manager has more information than they can digest. 26. Explain 4 things that make information useful. They are accurate information is valid and correct, timely information means that managers have facts, data, figures, and such available for review before they must make decisions so that it can be used to the organization’s advantage, complete information provides the manager all of the facts and information that relate to the decision-making situation, and relevant information refers to a manager’s having the kind of information he or she needs for the particular decision-making situation.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

None_provided Essays (284 words) - Stith, Job Interview, Free Essays

None_provided Essays (284 words) - Stith, Job Interview, Free Essays None_provided This book is an in-depth look at contemporary American popular music and the kind of musicianship that is appropriate to it. Stith attempts to explain dynamics of rock musicians by studying how the skills, ideas, and human identities associated with this population manage to be created and transmitted in the context of industrialized culture. In addition, he is trying to examine how musicians begin to take on and are characterized by that identity. Stith is interested with this phenomenon because these people were not successful or had not received a record contract, yet their identities remained intact. Stith gathered his data through six years of sporadic field study throughout Colorado, Illinois, Washington, California, Missouri, and southern France. He used both observational and interview methods in his study, however, it was participant observation that was used as a primary data-gathering technique. He presented himself as a musician and indicated in some form that he was interested in forming a group. At times he presented himself as a performer, other times as a role organizer, yet never hiding the fact that he was involved in social research. His secondary data-gathering technique was that he conducted several informal interviews with several members of these rock groups that he was associated with. These interviews were conducted during down-times, usually times where the group was hanging out, eating, traveling, etcetera. The size of the sample Stith studied and the ways in which the data-gathering techniques were administered differed from group to group, usually because his role within the population wasnt always constant. The interview questions that were asked were hardly ever uniform, they were administered differently to suit different individuals in specific situations.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Principles of Support for Maintaining Good Personal Hy Essay Example

Principles of Support for Maintaining Good Personal Hy Essay Example Principles of Support for Maintaining Good Personal Hy Essay Principles of Support for Maintaining Good Personal Hy Essay It is important to maintain good hygiene in order to care for your own personal appearance and eliminate body odours which might offend others/embarrass yourself. Personal hygiene refers to cleaning and grooming the body. Personal hygiene is an important way of protecting the body again diseases and infections. Good hygiene promotes self esteem and general well-being. Poor hygiene is known to be ill received by general public. Poor hygiene is known effect people’s health and can lead to health problems as well as appearance.The failure to maintain good personal hygiene can result in illness of different kinds such as the breakdown of skin, ulcers and boils. Poor oral hygiene can lead to heart disease and plaque causing build up in the arteries. Poor hand washing can lead to spread of infectious disease such as salmonella infection. Infrequent washing of hair and skin can lead to acne and low self esteem. Poor hygiene could be a sign for depression Outcome 2You can address the issue of personal hygiene in a sensitive matter by giving the service user the choice of what they want to have either wash/shower/bath and when they want to have one morning/afternoon/evening or if they would like support and how much. Explaining how it might make them feel more refreshed and better about themselves you could also give them the choice of what products they use. How to make an individual aware of the effects of poor hygiene on others Personal hygiene is a topic often brought up during the pre-teen and teen years when a youngsters body is developing.However, there are times when adults need to be reminded about personal care as well. When subtle hints about showering or using  deodorant  have no effect, a conversation is the next  step. This conversation can be uncomfortable for us and the resident but it doesnt need to be. With some preparation and a few helpful props, we can talk to someone about personal hygiene and help him implement improvements. Begin the conversation with a compliment, such as making note that the individuals hair looked very clean the previous day. Continue the conversation by stating the poor hygiene that we have noticed.Will use words like, I have noticed instead of You dont. Simply identify the problem area for the individual, whether that is showering, oral hygiene or something else. Continue the conversation by discussing the personal care steps the individual seems to be skipping. If this appears to be a shower, will ask the individual when she/he showers regularly or if she/he had time to shower that day. Evaluate the individuals response as to why the hygiene step has been skipped. If it wasnt skipped, then the next step would be to discuss how to do it correctly.Will provide a demonstration if possible or offer the correct hygiene products to fulfil the task. State our concern over the individuals hygiene. Phrase the concern carefully and use caring words. Will offer the individual the personal care item she/he may be lacking, such as deodorant or  mouth wash. Will end the conversation by affirming the person. This can be done by stating how much we care for him/her, assuring that this hygiene issue doesnt change our relationship or helping him/her devise a personal care plan. Outcome 3There are many factors that make up good personal hygiene with the main ones being washing, oral care, hair care, nail care, wound care, cleansing of personal utensils, Personal hygiene is as it says, personal. Everybody has their own habits and standards that they have been taught or that they have learnt from others. It is essentially the promotion and continuance of good health. Poor personal cleansing can have a very significant effect on the start and spread of many illnesses through contact with nutritional consumables, some that can be potentially lethal.You need to show that, you develop and maintain relationships that promote the views, preferences and independence of individuals and key p eople. By realising that adults have a right to choose the way they are treated or cared for, take their medication and to decide if they need certain precaution measures. Support and treat all service users as individuals and with respect and dignity when considering their needs and preferences. This involves asking them their opinions on every aspect of their hygiene routine.Finding a balance for those who wish to be as independent as possible, so long as that while doing so they do not put themselves or others at risk. Starting with a warm safe place and talking to the individual about what they want or need to be assisted with personal hygiene, taking care to stay within the boundaries set up in their individual  care plans. Talking about what is going to happen and making sure they understand and are comfortable with what has been said and what will be happening.Making sure they have everything they need before you start so not to interrupt the process causing distress. Ensur ing the other members of the support team know where you are and what is happening so not to be disturbed and finally shutting the door and locking if necessary. When giving personal hygiene cover personal areas that are not being washed making sure the individual is not caused any embarrassment and as a supporter not staring but being relaxed and confident in what is happening. Ensuring throughout that you are listening and asking if everything is ok or if they are feeling uncomfortable.There is a risk that you could catch infections or disease from that individual. For example, if someone had a disease then you would have to take appropriate  steps  to avoid catching it, or if they had a virus staff need to ensure they wear appropriate personal protection equipment There is also a risk to your physical health, for example, if you had to help move someone or support them in their movement in order to carry out personal hygiene, you would want to avoid injuring your back, or som e other part of your body.Others who might be involved supporting someone to maintain their personal hygiene can range from other support workers,  team leaders, key workers or managers of the residential home to professional people such as a district nurse,  dentist  or doctor. But the first stop maybe with the individual them self’s or a family member, for some it maybe an advocate Outcome 4. Injury or Illness- A serious injury can cause some people to develop poor personal hygiene. If they dont feel comfortable asking for help with bathing, this condition may continue until their injury heals.The same can occur when an illness leaves someone feeling weak. Anxiety, depression  or other mental illness may make it hard for people to keep up with bathing. Treatment of the illness is typically required to address this. /Puberty is a difficult time for many pre-teens and teenagers. Sometimes they rebel against puberty with poor personal hygiene. /Age being extremely old or extremely young can make it difficult to have proper personal hygiene. Assistance is often requiredAn individual does not want to expose certain parts of the body (could be cultural or a personal preference and could be any part of the body not just private parts work with them to ensure that their preference is adhered to. An individual has a particular personal hygiene routine (again it could be cultural or personal preference) provide resources and support. An individual gets  confused  and distressed when bathing eg has  dementia   provide a warm room temperature as cold can be distressing, keep calm, use measures that usually calm the individual eg music.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Personal Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Personal Philosophy - Essay Example Nursing requires that both nurses and nursing educators explore their own values so they can be better placed to appreciate and respect the cultural values and beliefs of the communities and individuals they serve. It is not possible to examine the aspect of scholarship in nursing education in isolation from the scholar within the â€Å"scholarship†, this comprises of individuals who embody several traits among which are; intense intellectual curiosity, disenchantment with prevailing systems as well as persistence for scholarly growth. In case these ideas were to be inculcated into the scholarship in a school of nursing, they would significantly contribute to the education of nurses who are not only professionally competent but also capable of dealing with situations beyond their call of duty should circumstances a rise. As aforementioned, my core principles are; do no harm and provide the best possible care; these can be implemented in nursing scholarship to mound the trainee s into moral and ethical professionals (Silva and Ludwick, 2005). When nurses are educated in and environment that allows them to express their curiosity, they will acquire more knowledge through in-depth research and studies which will ultimately make them better placed to deal with patients from their wealth of both theoretical and practical knowledge. Furthermore, when they are disenchanted with the prevailing systems, it means they will desire to improve them by examining alternatives and this will boost creativity. The second aspect of my personal philosophy has to do with elimination of discrimination, while this has been covered in nursing training; the elements of prejudice are still evident in nursing practice. This is however not exclusively emanating from nurses but possibly from patients as well, for instance a patient may express discriminatory, for instance racial bias to the attending nurse. In case, the nurse is not objective in his/her practice of care, they may dev elop a negative attitude towards the patient due to the offence and this may be reflected in the quality of care. In my opinion, the best way to bring about changes in the scholarship of nursing through scholarship is to teach it both as a science and art, such that it creates and avenue for excellence through which teachers supply technical knowledge, wisdom and humanity to students (Silva 2012). After the examination of prevailing conditions changes can be implemented through Lewis model of change that requires, the unfreezing of previously held perception, then the scholars can move on to other ideas which if found to be progressive can be refrozen until such a time they will require to be changed of improved (Mitchell 2013). In addition, this also results in inspiring students to think critically and reflectively so that they question convectional practices and strive to be better citizens of the nursing and global community. While ethics may be theoretically taught in class, un til a student is inspired to examine the process of nursing for him/her and make their own conclusions, they will only see them as abstract concepts. For effective change in the field of nursing scholarship; so that it may produce the best caliber of nurses, it is

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Text Analysis essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Text Analysis - Essay Example The paper adopts the thesis Steve jobs speech appeals more to college students than his academic background. Steve Jobs is one of most celebrated inventor, businessperson, philanthropist and personality (Wilson 56). Steve is as one of the cofounders of Apple Company and computerized animation (Pixar animation). However, analyzing Steve Jobs at an academically it a different story. The quagmire of the speech at one of the most respected academic institutions is the fact he openly refers to his academic life standing at the podium. Steve’s speech is well crafted and depicts all the three elements that are necessary to capture the audience attention. Steve Jobs effectively uses irony to introduce the fact that he has never graduated by uttering the words â€Å"†¦This is the closest I have ever got to college graduation†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (The Apple History Channel). Steve speech audience is composed of mostly young graduands from Stanford University. Steve Jobs understands well the level of education of his audience and goes directly to the main points in his speech. The environment and atmosphere that the audience offer Steve Jobs encourages him to continue with the speech. The audience is patient and responds well to Steve Jobs humor and emotional words. The composure of the audience implies they are eager to listen and learn new concepts. The audience responds well to Steve humour and applause him when he is for the first time. Steve Jobs uses tonal variation and posting from time to time giving audience time to comprehend his points. The audience respond during the pauses reveals they are attentive and listening to the speech keenly. There is very little murmuring during the speech, the audience in this case are a matured lot and respect the speaker Steve Jobs. The audience is more rejuvenated and fired up to face life at the end of the spe ech. Steve Jobs success overshadows the fact that he has never graduated from college and effectively

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Police Corruption Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Police Corruption - Research Paper Example There is a wide range of police jurisdictions and considerable costs are paid by the society in general as well as the police services as a result of such misconduct. Herman Goldstein defines it as â€Å"acts involving the misuse of authority by a police officer in a manner designed to produce personal gain for himself or others.† It is a larger systematic problem which is due to the lack of overall transparency, no check and balances, weak rule of law and insubstantial institutions. Police Corruption generally occurs at two levels: In the office i.e. behind the scenes or on the streets such as bribery or involvement with criminals. The backroom corruption activities involve irregular practices such as negligence in enforcing internal discipline, stopping of investigations, payments for transfers or appointments and contracting. All these unethical and mischievous acts involve very large transactions and are committed by officers having command authority (mid or senior-level o fficials) and access to the privileged information. Officers avail such opportunities in pairs or alone in the absence of supervisors or any higher authorities. The extent may vary from petty corruption to large scale criminal acts which are endowed by the extra ordinary powers given to the police officials. In the 1980s and 1990s, corruption cases occurred on a very large scale involving and later charging police officers for drug dealings, robberies, batteries and even murders etc. It can be observed that there are two major elements of police corruption namely misuse of authority/power and misuse of personal attainment. At each level, these elements are misused in one way or the other posing a great hindrance in the efficient and effective working of the police department. It can be said that police officials have been a part of encouraging and creating crime rather than deterring it. In this report the causes of police corruption will be discussed and ways such as increased sala ries, training, education incentives, health and insurance benefits and policies that focus on such issues will be identified to eliminate or reduce corruption. Types of Police Corruption: Some major forms of police corruption are discussed below: Gratuity: This refers to the illegal or inappropriate use of power by police officers in order to arrest, coerce, harass, intimidate or assault people. It is a serious crime because the society in general relies on police to safeguard their social security and rights. They are given power to use it for the right purpose and intention but wrongful use of this authority has resulted in many unjust incidents. Police brutality, sexual harassment, illicit use of weapons, fake encounters are the most common ways of misusing the authority. Brutality is a form of physical abuse which occurs when officers want to teach a lesson to any citizen or unnecessary force them for the intended action. Police officers also engage in crimes that has nothing t o do with their professional duty such as insurance of fraudulent activities. It is very difficult to get the accurate statistics of police misconduct and abusive behaviour as they normally don’t release any detailed information on disciplinary issues. Kickbacks: It is a secret payment made to the police officers in the form of contracts or transactions in order to change the course of action and support a wrongdoing/ illegal action. They are considered as fringe benefits of the job by the officers. The

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Ipad Mini Review Essay Example for Free

Ipad Mini Review Essay 1.Remarkably thin and light, the iPad mini is the perfect size for holding in one hand. The iPad mini also fits comfortably in the pocket of a coat or a handbag, making it ideal for use on the move. Its also beautifully designed, with obvious influences taken from Apples iPhone 5. Finally, its Apples cheapest iPad starting at like 270. The iPad Mini supports the LTE networks of ATT, Sprint, and Verizon Wireless (no luck, T-Mobile!). This means it has access to 4G mobile broadband in hundreds of markets around the country. Even with LTE on board, Apple says the iPad Mini will still get about 10 hours of battery life. Thats an incredible amount of uptime when considering the productivity needs of todays mobile professionals. 2.Its no surprise that Apple is charging a HUGE price for its smaller tablet when compared to other 7-inch models. With an introductory price of $329, it costs a full $80 more than the 16 GB Nexus 7. Of course, the Nexus 7 is thick, heavy, and made of plastic, while the iPad Mini is thin, light, and made of aluminum. It also has a slower processor than iphone 5 or the regular ipads. Its comes with the dual core A5 when iphone 5 has A6 chips and ipad has A6X chips. 3. Through advertising and marketing. Word of mouth is the best advertisement, so when people get this item, the first thing they do is tell their friends how cool it is and all good and bad things about the product. That’s adds value to the item through societies eyes.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Frida Kahlo and Tracey Emin: Psychoanalytic Approaches

Frida Kahlo and Tracey Emin: Psychoanalytic Approaches Case Study One: Frida Kahlo 2000 The intention of this dissertation is to define links between psychoanalytic theories and fine art. In this chapter the artists Frida Kahlo and Tracey Emin are discussed and compared to see how psychoanalytic approaches differ when employed with contemporary and traditional art. Frida Kahlos work is associated with Surrealism, an art movement first written about by Andre Breton; it was founded in 1924 developing from Dadaism and was inspired by the psychoanalytic works of Freud. In the surrealist manifesto Breton identifies the movement as a means by which the subconscious could be expressed, verbally, written or painted. The surrealists believed that our conscious mind interferes with the subconscious part, which is heavily based on Freuds theory of the ego and the id. The surrealists believed that this is why we have dreams; when we are asleep the reasoning mind cannot control the subconscious. Surrealism used a method called free association, originally Freuds theory, whereby Freuds patient would automatically say what they are thinking, in the case of an artist they would paint without thinking. Consequently, it seems surrealism is not necessarily a style but a method of painting. By looking at the both Kahlo and Emin, the two can be compared to distingu ish the ways in which psychoanalysis differs in the opposing styles of work, one of traditional movement and the other a contemporary style. Kahlos work deals with a diverse range of subjects, from her own identity and pain to politics, the Mexican artists work has been deliberated over by many critics and art historians as her oeuvre covers many aspects of art. It is hard to place as surrealist as it mixes a world fantasy with surrealism while also dealing with sexuality, race and gender. However, it is contended that Kahlos work does support psychoanalytical theories as there are many connections between her work and Freuds work which is a factor that the surrealist movement was heavily based upon. In contrast the work of Tracey Emin does not use symbols for her audience to guess at, instead her work has a very clear and concise in meaning, through her highly personal work she leaves her audience unquestioning with no ambiguity surrounding it. However, it would be interesting to look at the psychological effects that the production of this type of work may have on the artist and to investigate how the process creating art work of such personal nature has any psychological impact. This will enable understanding of the intentions behind such personal art work; she articulates details about herself that a majority of people would rather keep to themselves. In a similar way to Kahlo, both artists draw on their own experiences to produce art work. In Kahlos painting, Tree of Hope (see figure one), she presents the audience with a definite divide between night and day. This use of this strongly imply a state of dream, to explore R.D Laings theory of the unembodied self where the individual experiences him self as being more or less divorced form his body(Laing1965:69) this applied to Kahlos work suggests that the severe act of cutting the image into two halves defines the feeling of separation from her conscious body. The spectator is aware of the false self being portrayed within the image. According to Laing such separation denies the unembodied self of any actual interaction with everyday life. The theory suggests the unembodied self becomes a spectator of the life in which the actual body lives, so therefore does not connect with any experience the physical body encounters. This psychoanalytical process occurs due to stress within ones life that the ego cannot deal with, the disassociation is the ids way of protecting the e go. In Kahlos piece Tree of hope the painting is not clothed in the prosaic language usually employed by our thoughts represented symbolically by means of similes and metaphors (Freud, 1953:633) The image renders narrative, through the day harsh reality is awakened; Kahlo collides with a profusion of pain, while at night she is set free from her anguish by her dreams, the subconscious mind allows her to escape. The use of colours and choice of composition has allowed her to deliver her innermost anxieties and fears to the audience. These anxieties, according to Freud, are unpleasant inner state that people seek to avoid, it can act as a signal to the ego that things are not going right, as humans we suffer from neurotic, reality and moral anxieties, in order to deal with these Freud states that we therefore go into defence mechanisms that protect the ego from conflicts caused by the id, the id being the unconscious part of your brain, the ego is the conscious rational mind. The stress caused by daily lives is relevant to Freudian theory of sublimation. In Freuds book The ego and the id (1923) he established the theory of sublimation through superior recognition and puts forward that the superego is an internal moral agency of the parents (Wright: 1995). He assumed that there are two separate sets of drives, both contained within the mind. The instincts consist of self-preservation, which is associated with the ego; the second is sexual instincts which are associated to the libido or id. These instincts direct all human conduct until he generated the existence of narcissism. These theories differ over the various writings due to the topic and their affiliation to each other. To further this, if Freuds theory about anxiety is applied to Tracey Emins work it can be suggested that she goes through the process of sublimation; her work is a healthy redirection of an emotion which is mainly found through art, it is the process of transforming the libido into a chievements that are accepted by society. Emins work is similar to Kahlos in the way that her own personal stories of her body reiterate stories in the media. Emin expresses graphic descriptions of her most intimate feelings as her work is based solely on her life experiences. For example, in Emins work The last thing I said to you was dont leave me here the audience is confronted with a photograph of a vulnerable girl, who is tucked in a corner of some small shack, suggesting she has been some sort of victim of abuse. Lacans theory of the gaze is a theory that can be tested on this photograph, as the set up of composition makes the audience feel as if they are standing behind this naked, vulnerable person, so the viewer is made to feel as if they are gazing upon her, the spectators take on the role of the voyeur. Emin poses the question, is she the object of desire? There is a certain amount of irony within the photograph as a majority of viewers are hardened to the image of naked women due to media; mediated imagery is usually of very confident, provocative women, this perplexing view unsteadies the viewer due to the uneasy ambience. This is because photography can in a literal sense turn the depicted person into an object, which will distance both the v iewer and the viewed. With her back to us she unaware of who is looking, which creates a sense of naivety within the work, so therefore the viewer becomes uncomfortable with the role of the voyeur. This work has subtle implications that are more suggestive compared to a majority of Emins work which has a great sense of immediacy and provocative substance; she makes strong statements that judge the gaze of society that is put upon women. In contrast Kahlos works show the audience how she gazes upon herself, in theory Kahlos paintings are able to talk to the viewer as they express something about the artists emotions which people can relate to on many levels, through their personal attributes. This supports Derridas theory of deconstruction, where by deconstruction of a body of text is not just one, it can have several different meanings, and this theory can be applied to artwork because artwork itself can have more then one interpretation. In the essay Derrida two paintings in paint: a note on art, discourse and the trace, Jeff Collins argues that Derrida indicates a certain failure of discourse in the face of artworks (Holdridge, 2006:213). Collins contends that Derridas theory suggests art is a confrontational method which challenges anything that refuses to accept or surpass it; the author denotes artwork that does not have a dialogue to deal with this theory. Kahlos work can be contradictory in meaning for each viewer; which can be associated with the notion of death of the author; according to Barthes, the viewers own beliefs can change the authors original intensions, the layering of meaning can only be derived from the viewers point of view, as they will see the work and interpret it according to their own context, beliefs experiences or personal attributes. The viewer needs to be able to set apart the artist from the work to release the interpretation from any prejudgment. Barthes believe that this is dependent on the spectators experience of Kahlos work, being a renowned artist many people will be familiar with her histories and will derive an interpretation from that in itself. However, many audiences are not familiar with the work will read it in an entirely different light. Kahlo also uses messages and paradoxes within her work. In The little wounded deer (see figure four) she portrays herself as this wounded animal, which has been shot at by numerous hunters. The arrows are metaphors for the pain she feels, in my opinion this could symbolize her injuries from her accident or it could represent suffering from numerous disappointments in her life. She appears calm, tranquil and relaxed while she is watched by, what we assume is a hunter and dripping with blood. Kahlo was Mexican and they believed that a newborn human has an animal counterpart and that persons fate was tied to that of the animal that represents the calendar sign of the day of their birth. So she could be suggesting that her animal counterpart is dying and therefore metaphorically she is going to be rid of the animal that matches her and through her rebirth she will gain a new one. This painting it therefore a representation of her thoughts, which is her subconscious, by using dream logic strategies of displacement and condensation, Kahlo sets out to create a fabled identity for herself; the self-portrait consequently becomes a format for a parody of her own individuality. In my opinion, surrealism and representing the mind is difficult because it is the unknown, questioning it and giving possible answers through painting. Through her art Kahlo is attaining control of herself, she portrays her emotions which attain psychological relief. Emin also has a need to attain control would, in Freudian terms this would be classified as a form of hysteria. Hysteria in current psychological terms is described as two categories, one being somatoform whereby mental problems such as stress can cause brain to feel physical pain. The second is dissociative which occurrs when a persons psyche cannot handle a particularly traumatic event. However, in Freudian terms this hysteria created by the subconsious part of the mind, which was protecting the ego from the id. This is also relevent when looking at Kahlos work, the subconsious creates this form of unreality which is evident in the paintings. The straight lines and defined edge to objects of natural enities creates an order, an element of control over something which is not controllable. This can be tested with Deleuzes theory of percept. According to Deleuze, art requires simple modulations whereby the artist is consciously thinking and making decisions about the evolution of the piece of artwork; percepts are a psychological imprint of something, for example, the way an individual artist sees one thing will be varied from another. Percepts represent more than decision, they symbolize how the artist is feeling about that piece of art at the moment in time, or the subject which it is based on. According to Deleuze the making of the decision is not as important as modulations, MÃ ¼nter has put boundaries around the manmade objects, the modulationsreveal the forces that populate the world, that affect us, that make us become' (Sutton, 2008:75) Kahlo keeps her images separate, in Tree of hope (see figure one) she has a definite divide between night and day, by doing this she accentuates definite boundaries that the colours alone would not achieve, this establishes a ha rsh boarded image with restrictions. It shows a definite division between the human and the natural, while addressing this we may also consider that the artist may feel the two cannot be combined. These percepts also occur in the works of Kahlo, What Water Gave Me (1938) is a painting of Kahlos that is particularly relevant to Derridas theory, other then her many self-portraits, within this painting, Kahlo has painted her legs from the baths viewpoint, her legs are partially obscured by the bath water, and her toes stick out at the end, the painting has an uncanny aspect to it, we have all see this viewpoint so there is a familiarity to the work. Kahlo is allowing her audience to see things from her perspective. Through the composition we are able to see her thoughts swimming about as she contemplates everything that has occurred in her life. The modulations in this piece are life and death, something that is uncontrollable yet is inevitable. Everything moves according to one law-li feAnguish and pain, pleasure and death are nothing but a process in order to exist. (Kahlo) Her written views are contrasting to that expressed in her paintings. This painting is affective because it invites the viewer into the work; in affect the spectator completes it. Through this image Kahlo displays herself bare for every one to see; which adds a certain irony to the painting, as it is almost a nude portrait. In addition, this painting fits the classification of Surrealism because she utilizes imagery, which combines dream imagery with reality. In this chapter, the discussion of Kahlos and Emins work have given insight into the way in which psychoanalytical theories can be used in conjunction with artworks. It defines how the use of these theories can induce more depth into a painting which may not have had much substance to begin with. This in itself comfirms Deleuzes theory of percept showing how the artists mind is both in the real wold in which the body exists and in the world of the self, this theory will be challenged further in correlation with Cindy Shermans work in the next chapter.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Shakespeares Macbeth and Euripedes Medea :: comparison compare contrast essays

Shakespeare's Macbeth and Euripedes' Medea  Ã‚   Shakespeare's Macbeth, and Euripedes' Medea, are both tragic plays in the classical sense. Both Medea and Macbeth lust for the unattainable, and that lust destroys them. It cannot be said which character is a truly tragic figure, because both fit the description. However, if either character deserves more sympathy it is Madea, the jilted wife, not Macbeth the King killer. Macbeth's lust for power and his willingness to please his wife leads to his downfall. He murders the children of his one time friend, and suffers the consequences of that sin. Medea murders her own children in her quest to win back her lover Jason. She does this to seek revenge, since Jason sees the children not as theirs, but as his. She also, like Macbeth seeks to kill her rival, Jason's new lover, the daughter of King Creon of Corinth and a 'real Greek'. Both Euripedes and Shakespeare use the supernatural to enhance their plays. Macbeth is influenced by the prophecy of the three witches. Madea, who is a witch he rself, is influenced by the mythological Gods of ancient Greece. Macbeth's and Medea's ambitions and lust lead to tragic conclusions in their lives. Urged by his henpecking wife, Macbeth lusts for the throne. In the beginning of the play, Macbeth is likeable, but we soon see his dark side that will lead to his tragic downfall. The play starts with Macbeth and Banquo as co-leaders of the Scottish army, are returning from battle when they meet three witches. The witches prophesy that Macbeth will become Thane of Cawder and, later, king. bodyOffer() 1. Witch. All hail, Macbeth. Hail to thee, Thane of Glamis! 2. Witch. All hail, Macbeth. Hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor! 3. Witch. All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be King here- after! (Act 1. Sc. III, lines 50-55) They tell Banquo that he will not be king himself but he will have his descendants as kings: 1. Witch. Lesser than Macbeth, and greater. 2. Witch. Not so happy, yet happier. 3. Witch. Thou shalt get Kings, though thou be none. So all hail, Macbeth and Banquo! (Act 1, SC. III lines 70-74) Here we see Macbeth's ambitions begin to appear. He begins to consider the possibility of becoming king! There is a chance that King Duncan might choose Macbeth, a cousin, as his successor, but Macbeth’s hopes are destroyed when Duncan names his son, Malcolm.