Monday, December 23, 2019

The Kite Runner - Reading Logs - 7885 Words

The Kite Runner Reading logs NV1D Reading Log Task One, Part I. [13.01.12] The author of The Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseini, I think can be portrayed as the protagonist Amir for several reasons one of which is that he himself was born in Kabul, Afghanistan, in 1965. I think that, because of the fact that he was born in Afghanistan, it has contributed to the novel in the aspect of which that the place is not entirely random. Like, if I wrote a book I wouldnt write a story based in perhaps the United States as it is that I know nothing about the area. I think that, due to the fact that the place is based on the country he was born in it is much easier for him to describe the area and now just how things work around there which in turn helps†¦show more content†¦Because the past claws its way out. I have grown quite fond of Hassan as a character not because of how he can be portrayed as the weakling in the story, due to the social injustice of Pashtuns and Hazaras, but because of how has more character to him than Amir ever could. Amir in many ways remi nds me of the spoiled brats who never treat people well in third world countries. Myself I have a 14 year old-maid in Bangladesh and I absolutely adore her for she is not only kind but so sweet and someone whom I actually call my friend when I go there. I do not treat my maid like a servant because I think they shouldnt have to be treated that way. I am not saying that when I am there I do everything myself, but what I am saying is that unlike Amir I have acknowledged my friendship with my maid and I would stand up for her if anybody mistreated her. [...] there was a brotherhood between people who had fed from the same breasts, [...] Hassan and I had fed from the same breasts, I think this quote, this thought by Amir himself, would indicate that he saw Hassan as his brother. But he doesnt which is quite strange because youd think that youd at least acknowledge general facts like these. As well as the poor relationship between Amir and Hassan, mostly on Amirs side though, there is also a poor relationship between Amir and his father which makes me a little angry as I read the book. The father, Baba, treats Amir as if he werent hisShow MoreRelatedPersonal Project4460 Words   |  18 Pagesproject to their suiting, on whatever topic and create whatever they want. My goal of this project is to have created a blog about books, and have reviewed and given my thoughts to. My project is aimed at mostly teenagers in order to show them that reading is a good thing and to not always get caught up in the net. The area of interaction (AOI) that has best suited my personal project is Health and Social Education due to the fact that the internet and books are part of education and both have greatRead MoreBelonging Essay4112 Words   |  17 Pages and their relevant structural forms and language features engage personally with their texts and draw on their own experience make c onnections to their perceptions of the world and the worlds represented in the texts. Waverley Library database Log on to the database Literature Resource Centre - HSC English Syllabus via the Waverley library home page either though the internet in the library or at home using your library card. This database includes biographies, bibliographies and critical analysesRead MoreGp Essay Mainpoints24643 Words   |  99 Pagesof 2043 will be when the last newspapers land on front process all over America. This is the prediction the author of ‘The Vanishing Newspaper’ †¦ †¢ Advent of tech has brought a radical change in the media industry †¢ No longer confined to reading news, watching television †¢ Click of mouse, people can access instantaneous info and news online †¢ Proliferation of online blogs and social networking sites such as Twitter threaten to make mainstream media a thing of the past †¢ But mainstreamRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 Pagesthemselves.† (Chickering Gamson, 1987) In their classic book on active learning, Bonwell and Elson (1991) list seven defining characteristics. 1. Students are involved in more than passive listening. 2. Students are engaged in activities (e.g., reading, discussing, writing). 3. There is less emphasis placed on information transmission and greater emphasis placed on developing student skills. 4. There is greater emphasis placed on the exploration of attitudes and values. 5. Student motivation is

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