Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Westward Expansion Of The United States - 1477 Words

The United States began its life as a small nation consisting of only thirteen states. Over time the leaders of this county recognized that in order to prosper the nation would need to expand beyond the current set borders. Westward Expansion was the only solution, to adopt such a large endeavor meant that the population had to have a reason to migrate west. Expansion had appeal to the Southern land owners for the fact that the Missouri Compromise did not affect territories that were not part of the Louisiana Purchase, while those who did not have land moved west with the promises of land of their own to farm and own, yet congress continued to battle over â€Å"slave states† and â€Å"free states† to keep the balance. Westward expansion had many contributions to make to the Unites States. Westward Expansion started with President Thomas Jefferson made the Louisiana Purchase from the French for only fifteen million dollars. This allowed landless families to migrate from where they currently were to a new place with fresh lands to claim. This had a few effects such as increasing the size of the country, while providing land and means for income to families. During the course of westward expansion the size of the United States took a drastic population increase, with the overall population going from five million to seventy-six million. This set the U.S. on the fast track to expand out to the west coast. Abraham Lincoln signed in to law the Homestead Act, which gave people willing toShow MoreRelatedThe Westward Expansion Of The United States960 Words   |  4 PagesThe Westward expansion began for the United States with the Louisiana Purchase in 1803. For $15 million dollars, President Thomas Jefferson purchased from France 828,000 square miles, including most of 14 cur rent states, thus doubling the size of America. Jefferson now had the land, but how to populate it was another story. On a three year expedition, Lewis and Clark were sent by Jefferson to explore the lands to get a better understanding of the geography and resources of the West. During the 1830sRead MoreThe Westward Expansion Of The United States1144 Words   |  5 Pagesbranching and expansion.† That quote, once said by Stephen Jay Gould, can represent the Westward Expansion of the United States. In the early 1800s, the United States started trying to expand west. The U.S. acquired Florida, Texas, the Gadsden Territory, the Mexican Cession, the Oregon Territory, and the Louisiana Territory. All of those acquisitions helped evolve the United States into what it is today. Almost all of the land we own is from the Westward Expansion. Unfortunately, the United States were greedyRead MoreThe United States Westward Expansion919 Words   |  4 Pagesculture. The United States gre w drastically and new land became available over time. This surge in population created the Manifest Destiny, the belief of expansion from sea to sea. The United States’ westward expansion was a wicked, but vital component during the 1800s that allowed the nation to exercise its power and prosper economically at the price of unfair manipulation towards Native Americans as well as a cruel game of tug of war with the lives of slaves. In order to promote expansion, the federalRead MoreWestward Expansion Of The United States1017 Words   |  5 PagesWestward expansion seemed perfectly natural to Americans in the mid-nineteenth century. Many settlers even believed that America, as a nation, was destined−by God himself− to expand westward. This ideology became known as the Manifest Destiny. Although many Americans thought it to be a kindly movement driven by pride, it continuously proved to be aggressive, racist, and imperialistic. Enthusiasm over territorial expansion began in 1803 when Napoleon decided to offer the United States the entireRead MoreWestward Expansion Of The United States1054 Words   |  5 Pages Westward Expansion in the United States created controversy about the admission of new states into the union. The first provision of the Westward Expansion was the Compromise of 1850. This compromise was designed to settle disputes among the North and South states about slavery expansion. Senator Henry Clay proposed that California be admitted as a free slave in a trade-off for tougher fugitive slave laws for runaways. As a part of the compromise of 1950, Congress also passed the Fugitive LawRead MoreWestward Expansion Of The United States1060 Words   |  5 PagesWestward expansion changed into the preference of the US to govern the territories of western components of the United States that had been either unclaimed or occupied by using other international locations. It is pertinent to comprehend that the us history became inspired with the aid of England in diverse methods. Within the second 1/2 of 18th century, the railroad which that turned into invented in England introduced a main effect in the USA enlargement to the West. Railroads originated fromRead MoreThe Impact Of Westward Expansion On The United States1571 Words   |  7 Pagesopened the door to westward expansion. Thomas Jefferson purchased this extensive plot of land with the hopes of strengthening and expanding the Republic, unaware that it would have the opposite effect. Jefferson’s fateful decision to expand the United States nearly destroyed the Republic that Americans worked so hard to build. It triggered the rise of divisions amongst Americans. These small cracks continued to grow and tear at the seams of the nation. Although westward expansion between 1800 and 1848Read MoreWestward Expansion and the Effects on the United States Essay1050 Words   |  5 PagesRunning Head: WESTWARD EXPANSION Westward Expansion and the Effects On the United States October 3, 2007 Abstract The Louisiana Purchase was the largest land deal in our history. It doubled the size of the United States and gave us a strong face as an economic power. It brought immigrants from all over the world for the idea of owning land and making a living for themselves. We also had a second expansion with the Adams-Onis treaty in 1819 (Davidson, 2002, p.p. 246-247) where weRead MoreEssay On Manifest Destiny1551 Words   |  7 PagesManifest Destiny was a widely spread belief that settlers in the United States should expand across North America. It was the belief that fueled the westward expansion. The westward expansion led to many other events in and around the United States. Before Manifest Destiny and the westward expansion the French and Indian War and Revolutionary War took place which allowed America to declare independence. Manifest Destiny was a big influence on the evolution of transport and technology. Before weRead MoreManifest Destiny1555 Words   |  7 PagesThe Evolution Of Transportation Manifest Destiny was a widely spread belief that settlers in the United States should expand across North America. It was the belief that fueled the westward expansion. The westward expansion led to many other events in and around the United States. Before Manifest Destiny and the westward expansion the French and Indian War and Revolutionary War took place which allowed America to declare independence. Manifest Destiny was a big influence on the evolution of transport

Monday, December 23, 2019

The Kite Runner - Reading Logs - 7885 Words

The Kite Runner Reading logs NV1D Reading Log Task One, Part I. [13.01.12] The author of The Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseini, I think can be portrayed as the protagonist Amir for several reasons one of which is that he himself was born in Kabul, Afghanistan, in 1965. I think that, because of the fact that he was born in Afghanistan, it has contributed to the novel in the aspect of which that the place is not entirely random. Like, if I wrote a book I wouldnt write a story based in perhaps the United States as it is that I know nothing about the area. I think that, due to the fact that the place is based on the country he was born in it is much easier for him to describe the area and now just how things work around there which in turn helps†¦show more content†¦Because the past claws its way out. I have grown quite fond of Hassan as a character not because of how he can be portrayed as the weakling in the story, due to the social injustice of Pashtuns and Hazaras, but because of how has more character to him than Amir ever could. Amir in many ways remi nds me of the spoiled brats who never treat people well in third world countries. Myself I have a 14 year old-maid in Bangladesh and I absolutely adore her for she is not only kind but so sweet and someone whom I actually call my friend when I go there. I do not treat my maid like a servant because I think they shouldnt have to be treated that way. I am not saying that when I am there I do everything myself, but what I am saying is that unlike Amir I have acknowledged my friendship with my maid and I would stand up for her if anybody mistreated her. [...] there was a brotherhood between people who had fed from the same breasts, [...] Hassan and I had fed from the same breasts, I think this quote, this thought by Amir himself, would indicate that he saw Hassan as his brother. But he doesnt which is quite strange because youd think that youd at least acknowledge general facts like these. As well as the poor relationship between Amir and Hassan, mostly on Amirs side though, there is also a poor relationship between Amir and his father which makes me a little angry as I read the book. The father, Baba, treats Amir as if he werent hisShow MoreRelatedPersonal Project4460 Words   |  18 Pagesproject to their suiting, on whatever topic and create whatever they want. My goal of this project is to have created a blog about books, and have reviewed and given my thoughts to. My project is aimed at mostly teenagers in order to show them that reading is a good thing and to not always get caught up in the net. The area of interaction (AOI) that has best suited my personal project is Health and Social Education due to the fact that the internet and books are part of education and both have greatRead MoreBelonging Essay4112 Words   |  17 Pages and their relevant structural forms and language features engage personally with their texts and draw on their own experience make c onnections to their perceptions of the world and the worlds represented in the texts. Waverley Library database Log on to the database Literature Resource Centre - HSC English Syllabus via the Waverley library home page either though the internet in the library or at home using your library card. This database includes biographies, bibliographies and critical analysesRead MoreGp Essay Mainpoints24643 Words   |  99 Pagesof 2043 will be when the last newspapers land on front process all over America. This is the prediction the author of ‘The Vanishing Newspaper’ †¦ †¢ Advent of tech has brought a radical change in the media industry †¢ No longer confined to reading news, watching television †¢ Click of mouse, people can access instantaneous info and news online †¢ Proliferation of online blogs and social networking sites such as Twitter threaten to make mainstream media a thing of the past †¢ But mainstreamRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 Pagesthemselves.† (Chickering Gamson, 1987) In their classic book on active learning, Bonwell and Elson (1991) list seven defining characteristics. 1. Students are involved in more than passive listening. 2. Students are engaged in activities (e.g., reading, discussing, writing). 3. There is less emphasis placed on information transmission and greater emphasis placed on developing student skills. 4. There is greater emphasis placed on the exploration of attitudes and values. 5. Student motivation is

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Executives dominate the legislatures across Europe Free Essays

Introduction The legislatures is the Law making body of governance, the executive comprises of the constitutional ruling powers, examples, the President, the Prime Minister, Members of Cabinet and the Speaker of Parliament. The Legislatures, the Executives and the Judiciary. These are all arms of the government and there all work hand in hand to form constitutional elected government. We will write a custom essay sample on Executives dominate the legislatures across Europe or any similar topic only for you Order Now However, there are various systems of governance but the principles are the same. Each country has its own systems of rule, base on the type of government it practices, i.e. the President or the Prime Minister. The Legislature: It is the department with the responsibility for the executing Legislation within parliament, which is made up of the three elements, the Queen, the House of Lords and the House of Commons, in the case of the UK. The Executive; The mechanism for the state that implements and formulates the policy that runs the country. This becomes part of the separation of powers. Its uniqueness in dealing with the distraction, plans, and rules, also focus on plans relevant to the affairs of parliament. The Judiciary; it has the responsible of adjudication of deputies in the common law. As well as relating to the Legislative, it is to set up a smoother administration (Crouch, 2000). In this essay, we are looking at the branch of two institutions of the Executive and the Legislature based on two countries within the European Union Thus, by trying to find out which one dominates across. In contest, of some countries on which this work will comprise of France, and the United Kingdom. In across European states, with the exception of Cyprus and France, the running of lies on the Prime Minister and full presidency in the status in the case of Cyprus. Being the leader of the political party that won the numerical strength in parliament is to form a government. This could in a coalition with other parties; however, the government need to have the confidence of parliament (BALE, 2008). There are constitutional accepted norms and cultures within the parliament and usually the Legislatures have been approved by the Executive. In essences parliamentary constitutions rules permit that the Executive to veto Laws and Legislation before it can be pass into formal rules within the UK or in Europe. In the presidential system of government, the powerful elected president by the people directly by the people becomes both the chief executive and the head of state. While in the parliamentary system of government, the executive in general are not elected but there are chosen â€Å"indirectly† by the elected parliament (legislature). Parliamentary government are common norms in modern Europe, but when the democratisation of the eastern state of Europe, had the chance for change there did choose a new system of government for the move from an old constitution to a new parliamentary system of government (Gallagher, 2006). The constitution of France is currently based on the one adopted in 1958 after the referendum and it is known as the fifth Republic. This constitution allows the President to have all the powers available. He appoints the Prime Minister, who becomes the Head of Government. There are two chambers; made up of the National Assembly and the Senate. However, the National Assembly is the power based, but both houses share the same Legislative authority (Kesseleman, 2010). . The Legislature or the Parliament, wherever enjoy more powers than the Executive did during the Third and Fourth republic, but in the Firth Republic this powers were substantially reduce. The political system faces a lot of criticism for years, thus, because of the imbalance of between the Executive and the Legislature. The 2008 reforms of the constitution were made to address the issues. Nevertheless, since France operates on a semi presidential system of government, in essences parliament lack of independence the legislature is to be enjoying in the full presidential system. As such, the president will not be responsible for parliament, and therefore cannot hold the executive in to account (Kesseleman, 2010). Notwithstanding, the French president still exercise some executive powers (especially emergency) once that goes beyond other Europeans heads of states. One executive power of the president, he appoint the Prime Minister, the Prime Minister and the Cabinet ministers, individually or collectively become responsible to parliament, thus the different between the semi presidential and a full blown president system. In the contraire, it means that the French president can use all the full powers of executive at his disposal, but only if both the prime minister and the cabinet are all from the same party or are in alliance, which is more often the case in France (BALE, 2008). This has been referred to as obliging the president to ‘cohabit’ with the prime minister and cabinet made up from political parties of the other side (BALE, 2008). However, the change in presidential elections times in French before the parliamentary the issues of cohabitation may be rarer to be the case. In Western executive during the fifth republic, the president becomes the most powerful, so as much as the president of the United States with the full presidential systems. However, in the case of French the president has limited powers as compare to the United State. In summary the fifth republic presidency is just a near to purely political institution in Western society today (BELL, 2000). â€Å"Executive power in Europe is wielded by the government which are accountable to and rely on the support of parliament. They are led by cabinets comprised of ministers from one or more parties, many of whom retain their parliamentary seats. In theory, they are co-ordinated, if not controlled, by a prime minister whose power- which some argue is on the rise – varies between countries but also according to circumstance† (BALE, 2008). In as much Bale try to make his argument about the balance of power of the prime minister will depend on two concept ‘ the executive in general will need to be facilitated, for example by a strong central state and limited judicial oversight of government actions as well a weak parliament. In addition, the power with the executive itself provides a helpful checklist of factors that will contribute to this’ (BALE, 2008). Whereas the second house of the parliament (the House of Lords) had part of its powers taken, for the crea tion of a high court. There are observation across Europe about the weakness in some parliament (legislature), the list of stronger parliament include Germany, Sweden, Italy, Poland, and the Netherland. While as the weaker once are the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom, Spain, and France. The weakness of the French parliament is most refer to Europe’s weakest legislatures. The unusual executive structure of the France system of government in European context, gives the directly elected president too much to power, meanwhile the executive power is jointly shared by the president and the cabinet (council of ministers), (Gallagher, 2006). Most of the European with the monarchies system likes Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Spain and the UK, the head of state will be the king or Queen. In case of republics it will then be called the president, who would have be elected by the people directly, as it has been seen in Austria, Bulgaria,†¦..Slovenia. Nonetheless, the UK prime minister remains the stronger executive, which has plenty of power inside parliament as the leader of the single majority government that is regarded as the most powerful in Europe. (BALE, 2008). Meanwhile his counterpart in Italy does not have such powers, but it has weak executive, little advantage in the executive and lead a large coalition, most of the time with insecure majority, hence the weakest on the continent. Countries like the Netherlands and Germany thus, would combine stronger executive powers to limited prime ministerial powers with executive. One may see at a glance that European prime minister have less autonomy as compare to that of the US with the full Presidential system. However, that is not case because the President can normally court on winning or not losing votes within the legislature. In the domestic front, the Prime Minister (Executive) has the power to hire and fire a colleague of the cabinet, one power less power for the Dutch and the French Prime ministers. (WARD, 2009). â€Å"The fact that a government defeat on a motion of confidence can lead to fresh election in other countries points to the fact that parliament’s right to defeat the executive is, in any case, normally balanced by the executive’s right to dissolve (or request the head of state to dissolve) parliament – a right that exits in all European democracies outside Norway, Switzerland and Finland† (BALE, 2008). Also in contest, the Legislature across Western Europe is made up of two groups, the ‘Majoritarian’ and the ‘consensus’. A political scientist has been with motion of these groups and has made some good comet about them, like as in the majoritarian where we have the UK, Spain, Ireland, Greece and France. Within these countries, the government will set its programs and pursues them with little or no regard to the opposition. As wherein the other groups of parliament in consensus democracies like Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden and other Scandinavian countries. Parliaments here feature criticism that is more constructive and operate sometime in cross party and not inter-party. (Lijphart, 1975). European country with the exception of Switzerland, where parliament elect the government, can be ousted from office by the same parliament, it make it very complicated as to where the power is. However, as in the full presidential system both are elected independently of one another these powers will be balance. We can draw to the discussing on Arend Lijphart, about the distinction made between the two categories of the democratic regime. The Westminster type (Majoritarian) which the United kingdom provide a clear example of Europe, however, countries Greece, Franc, and Malta shows some characteristic of the political system of this category. Within this system, the government need to make such that he has the majority of members of parliament (MPs) to get on with the entire legislature. The opposition see this role to be criticizing the government rather than influence it. One other hand is the second group is the consensus model of Arend Lijphart’s category, which can be clearly noted within Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Austria. As the name suggests it has a broad consensus in parliament. Moreover, the Belgium cabinets tend to have a good relationship with parliament (Gallagher, 2006). â€Å"Our expectation, then, would be to find that in Lijphart’s majoritatrian-model countries, virtually all relationships between governments and parliaments take place in the interparty mode, with MPs and minsters having a strong party orientation that transcends any sense of â€Å"parliament† or â€Å"government† as institutions. In contrast, in consensus-model countries we would expect to encounter somewhat greater recourse to the cross-party or non-party mode. With this in mind, we examine the record of European parliament with respect to a number of roles in which they interact with governments†. Nevertheless, since parliament in Europe is parliamentary and party government have no clear, style to the US system between the executive and the legislature, based on that the conflict between the two branches will be in a lasting conflict between the governments majority and the opposition. Moreover, the powers within parliament across Europe are in con tingent on parliamentary arithmetic. (Gallagher, 2006). Based on all these observation it be said that both the Executive and the Legislature due shared some balance of powers across Europe where possible. Nonetheless, there can be no justifications as to say name a country or countries in Europe where one of the two elements dominated by that other. The powers of one parliament at any given time will always depend greatly on the extent on balance of power between parties and the distribution of powers within the government parties. Europeans parliament across Europe have increase over years and all this means that key to the executive dominance can be demonstrated in both the majoritarian and the consensual democracies in Europe. Reference List BALE, T. (2008). European Politics A Comparative lntroduction 2nd Edtion revised and upadted. London: Palgrave Mcmillan . BELL, D. S. (2000). PRESIDENTIAL POWER IN FIFTH REPUBLIC FRANCH. New York: Oxford International . Crouch, C. (2000). After the Euro : shaping institutions for governance in the wake of European monetary union. Oxford : Oxford University Press. Gallagher, M. L. (2006). REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT IN Modern Europe Institutions, Parties, and Governments 4th Edition. New York : McGraw – Hill . Kesseleman, M. J. (2010). Introduction to Camparative Politics: Political Challanges and Changing Agendas 5th Edition. Boston: Wadsworth Cengage . Lijphart, A. (1975). The Politics of Accommodation 2nd Edition. New Haven: University of California Press. WARD, I. (2009). A Critical Introduction to European Law 3rd Edition . New York : Cambridge University Press. How to cite Executives dominate the legislatures across Europe, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Media Violence and School Shootings Essay Example For Students

Media Violence and School Shootings Essay Another school shooting goes down and is preyed upon by the media for a gripping new story. Jonesboro, Arkansas, West Paducah, Kentucky, and Littleton, Colorado all have one thing in common. All these places are sites where school shootings have occurred. Why do school shootings happen and who is to blame when they do happen?. These are two questions that are still trying to be answered. Some people say that school shootings are due to the excess marketing of violence in movies, television, video games, and music. There is a difference between what one has the right to do and what is socially responsible, he says. It appears that they have targeted a mass audience for this material, and then theyre horrified when its discovered what theyve done. Theyre being duplictous-in the end, theyre lying says Andrew Schwartzman, president of public interest law firm the Media Access Group(Holland). I tend to agree with this point but I believe that there is a bigger and more substantial factor when looking at school shootings. I believe that parents have to take most of the blame for school shootings. Why should parents have to take blame for something that their child has done wrong. Well, it is pretty simple. Parents are the only people who can control what kind of music their kid or kids listen to, what movies they see, what video games they play, and what kind of programs they watch on TV. The parents should be held accountable because it is not possible for the school to control what the kids do out of the classroom. Since the Littleton, Colorado shooting, school shootings have attracted attention to laws that make parents criminally liable for their childrens actions. Since then, twelve states including, Alabama, Arkansas, California and Ohio, have come up with parental responsibility statues. Under these laws, parents can be prosecuted based on the failure to supervise their children(Parents). Tom Lynch also believes that he is responsible for the violence that his kids are exposed to saying, because as a parent, I can do something about the entertainment viewing habits of my children. As far as I know, my wife and I are still in charge on the home front, and we plan to keep it that way as long as were still paying for the Nikes;(Lynch). Even with some new laws and regulations many music businesses are still marketing to kids. The RIAA announced new guidelines on September, 1, shortly before the original Senate hearing (Holland). They included three major updates: that advertising for labeled records should not appear in publications or Internet sites where fifty percent of the audience is under seventeen, that all consumer print ads of explicit-content albums display the advisory sticker , and that all E-tailors clearly display notice of stickered material through all phases of the transaction (Holland). These regulations may help when trying to get CDs with explicit lyrics over the Internet or in stores but the advertising towards kids still continues. The federal trade commission shows that US Record companies continue to advertise violent songs on TV through such outlets as BET, MTV, and the WWF Smackdown wrestling show. The ads appeared during the after school and early-evening hours when children were most likely to be watching. The FTC also found that the five major labels placed ads for albums with explicit content in such teen oriented magazines as Vine and Right On, which focus on rap and RB, and Thrashers and Metal Edge, which celebrate metal rock music. Only 45 off 147 (31%) print ads reviewed for labeled recordings displayed any parental advisory label, the FTC noted, and those were frequently a black-and-white blur, often too small or inconspicuously placed to be noticed or seen(Holland). So why cant parents just go out and fight these advertisement companies that are m arketing violence to their young kids? It would just be simple to go and sue the companies and make them pay for the destruction that they are causing in schools. DAWN Social Justice Group Essay But that is to hard considering all the money and power that these companies have. So if parents cant fight these companies then who can? The only other solution to .